In-Park Billboards

At Legoland we have a few billboards inside the park. They are either made out of banner or ACM panels. Some of the banner we print in house, apply banner tape, insert grommets, and install around the park. Other banner items that are larger are printed out of house and we install them in the park. The ACM panel billboards are designed, printed on vinyl, laminated, and applied to ACM which we have cut down to the proper size.
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L-frame Signs

At LEGOLAND, we use L-frame signs to promote events and to give directions or information. We design the creative, print it on vinyl, laminate it, and apply it to a corrugated plastic sheet. Then we put grommets in the top so they can be attached to the L-frame.
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Event Guides

When LEGOLAND has an event, we make event guides for our guests so they know what new things are happening in the park for the event.
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Heat Bent Event Sign

At LEGOLAND FLORIDA Resort, we design heat bent signs during events to display the event food and beverage offerings. Once the design is approved, we print, laminate, and apply the design to a heat bent PVC sign. We make the heat bent signs in the sign shop. We cut a sheet of PVC to 11″ x 14″ and use a heat gun to bend the sign so it will stand up. Then we apply vinyl to the front of the PVC sign.
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